TitleTap Solutions

All websites are hosted in SSAE SOC 2 Type II compliant data centers, that feature ALTA Pillar 3 Best Practices for security and backups, include a mobile-friendly design to boost your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) rankings, and include SSL Security to protect NPI

… just a handful of reasons to choose TitleTap.

Website Design – SiteTap

Most web designers know nothing about the title business which causes the redesign of your website to be a painful time consuming process.

TitleTap was founded by a title agent, real estate agent, and a IT Law professional; we’ve really lived your business! As such, we can make sound recommendations and launch you in weeks, not months.

Social Media – SocialTap

Social media is a great place for title agents to pick up new business because both real estate professionals and “in-the-market” consumers spend much of their day on social networks like Facebook.

This service includes researched-for-you content relevant to your customers, built-in ad budget, retargeting, and up to 16 posts per month all done on your behalf.

100 Videos – VideoTap

Get your own library of 100 Title, TRID, Mortgage, and Real Estate videos to help your Realtors and their clients navigate buying or selling a property.

Email Newsletters – LeadTap

The least expensive customer to serve is the repeat customer. LeadTap is a library of pre-written emails filled with tips and tricks to help your real estate agents and lenders with their bottom line. All automatic and sent monthly from you to improve customer loyalty and ultimately get more closings from the people that have already used your services.

Calculators – ClosingTap

Title Premium and Net Sheet Calculators are available in most markets that not only can be placed on your website, but also as a mobile app. Most real estate showings occur over nights and weekends – this gives your agents your one-click title ordering and your fees 24x7.

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